Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Dad shares about his daughter Robin...

I am very proud of Robin and love her very much. She will always be my little girl. She is a mature beautiful daughter, a wonderful wife to her husband, Bill and mother of her three children, Tyler, kiersten and Hayden. She has a beautiful walk with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As a mother for 23 years it has taught her about parenting.

One of the things I love about Robin is that she is very interested in people and is always putting other people before her self. She is gifted in sharing her life with others. Sharing with women at a Bible Study or disciple women one on one.

Robin shared with me that “God is a personal God that cares about me”. She prays a lot and depends on God for strength and direction in her life. Her favorite Bible passage is Psalm 121:1-8.

She lives her Christian life in the community. As a member of the local Toastmasters Club, she has been a leader as Vice President for Membership and often is the main speaker where she can share her walk with Christ in a non-Christian world.

At Western Seminary she has been leading a Bible Study for a group of wives of students at the seminary. She is now taking a course on “Develop Life-Changing Bible Study for Curriculum”. This is a part of the Women’s Center for Ministry program at Western.

My daughter is very organized and can keep her self in good shape working out each day, participated in a couple of sprint triathlons (swim-bike-run), and in her spare time goes to the shooting range and plays golf with her husband, daughter and sons. She loves her yard and her flowers and is great cook. Rufio, the family German shepherd, runs with her each day.

Robin loves Washougal, Washington near Camas, Washington where she lives with her family. We live just 2 miles from her and she frequently drops by to see how her mother, Ruth and I are doing.

I could go on and on about Robin but the most wonderful thing about her is that she is a Godly women that through difficult issues in life she still stands firm in her walk with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.