Monday, July 26, 2010

The Journey Continues ...

As we continue on our journey, we are in the process of listing our home and have made an offer on a home in Washougal, Washington. I am still serving at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon as the Regional Development Officer. On May 24th, Ruth had a total hip replacement and I was her caregiver and helped her during that time. She is doing well now without a walker or cain and has no pain anymore in her hip. We give God glory for a wonderful surgeon and Gods healing power.

I have been studying the 52 Major Events of the Bible with several men every Saturday, at Rosauers restaurant at the “Y” in north Spokane. We listen to the sermons on and read the scripture prior to our time at Rosauers. It has been very encouraging to have these men meet and discuss the sermon and share our lives with each other.

One of the sermons was on the Story of Joseph (Genesis 37-50). “The story of Joseph shows us that even in the bleakest of times when we are engulfed by sin and its consequences, when life seems out of control, faith says God is in control” – one of the promises that God asks us to believe. “God worked in the midst of human sin when they killed his perfect son. If God can work in the midst of that kind of depravity and sin, He can work in the midst of your life, and mine.”

As Ruth and I continue on our journey we look forward to what God has for us in the future. Sometimes we feel a little out of control and not sure what the next step is but we know that we are in God’s hand and trust him for wisdom and direction in our lives. “When life seems out of control, faith says God is in control.”

Please send me your comments of how God has directed you through your life.
